IFLA – Call for Nominations Academic and Research Libraries Travel Grant

IFLA is pleased to offer TWO (2) Attendance Grants for the IFLA Information Futures Summit in Brisbane, Australia.  The grants are supported by IFLA’s Academic and Research Libraries Section (ARL), through generous sponsorship from SAGE.  The two awardees will be selected from the Oceania region (excluding Australia and New Zealand).  


What does the Attendance Grant Cover?

Each grant covers the early registration fee of Euro 480.00  which expires on 1 June 2024. The Attendance Grant will also provide support for travel and/or accommodation of up to Euro 850.

Applicants must be able to attend the Summit and will be responsible for all other costs associated with Summit attendance. Please see the Summit website for further details about the Congress.


What is expected from the grant holders?

The successful candidates will be required to be onsite at the Summit and participate actively for its duration, possibly including publicity events.  Following the Summit, awardees will be required to write a brief article (approximately 500 words) about their Summit experience.  The article must be within 3 months of the end of the Summit and may be published on the ARL Section blog. 



To be eligible, applicants must: 

  • reside in one of the countries in the Oceania Region excluding Australia and New Zealand
  • be currently employed in the LIS field or enrolled in an LIS program of study
  • have less than 10 years of experience working in the LIS field
  • be eligible to travel to the site of the Summit, including receipt of any necessary visas and required permission from their employer(s)
  • be able to fund all costs associated with attendance at the Summit, e.g. all other hotel, travel and subsistence expenses NOT covered by the Grant
  • be willing to share their experience at the Summit with peers and colleagues


Application Procedures

The following items are required for each application:

  1. a statement of not more than 250 words describing how attending the Information Futures Summit will benefit you in a personal and/or professional capacity
  2. a statement of not more than 250 words describing how you will apply those benefits in a practical way following the event
  3. a declaration attesting to eligibility to receive the award.  

Your application should be submitted via this webform.

You will receive a confirmation email when submitting through the form.


Applications must be received no later than April 15, 2024

Applicants will receive notification of award status no later than May 15, 2024.