Call for Papers — Open Sessions
Government Libraries Section (GOVLIB)
- 11 April 2023, 17:42
Theme: "Research Data Management in government: how official data can be curated using the principles of research data management"
The IFLA Government Libraries Section is seeking proposals for case studies on Research Data Management (RDM) in government, to be presented at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Case studies should reflect how the models of RDM are used in the management of government data in government libraries and related institutions.
The session aims to cover how the principles of RDM apply to the particular circumstances of government data repositories, and also how government knowledge and data managers can facilitate good RDM both within government and more widely. Examples of suitable case studies could include:
- Government support in promoting RDM to academia.
- How good RDM contributes to policy making and information services within government.
- How government information and library services have promoted RDM to internal users.
- Ethical/legal implications of government involvement in RDM. (Initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation)
Proposals must be for original presentations not published or presented elsewhere. Please submit your proposal in electronic format (PDF or Word preferred) with the following information:
- Title of proposed presentation
- Abstract of the proposed presentation (no more than 300 words)
- Whether a full paper will also be submitted
- Names of presenter(s), position(s) and/or title(s);
- Employer or affiliated institution;
- Contact information including email address and telephone number;
- Short biographical statement (no more than 100 words);
- Whether you can attend WLIC in Rotterdam in person (you are strongly encouraged to do so).
Please send proposals by 15 May 2023 to:
GLS Information Coordinator (Jonathan Ginn) – Email: [email protected]
Important dates:
- 15 May 2023 (Monday): Deadline for submission of proposal
- 19 May 2023 (Friday): Notification of acceptance
- 12 June 2023 (Monday) Deadline for submission of presenter information and abstract
- TBA: Deadline for submission of presentation slides and optional paper
Please note:
The session will run for 75 minutes, consisting of three case studies each of around 15 minutes and given in English, followed by a question and answer session.
We prefer presenters to be onsite in Rotterdam, however; this year IFLA has decided to allow at least 1/3 of a session to use pre-recorded video presentations. Please submit a proposal whether or not you are able to attend IFLA in-person in Rotterdam.
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation letter can be issued to authors.
All papers that are presented at WLIC 2023 will be made available online via the IFLA Repository under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.